Discover the world through our original artworks

A selection of  featured Artworks available at Inshuti Arts and Culture Center


Our Activities

We introduce you to artistic creativity at our center

Inshuti art gallery

Inshuti art gallery is a place to experience African art in its purest form, it has become the leading contemporary art gallery representing artists from Rwanda and Africa at large. The gallery focuses on original forms of expression from paintings to sculptures, motifs, collage and more. It provides an environment where collectors can find powerful contemporary artistic ideas and discussions.

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Inshuti craft shop

The inshuti craft shop is a place where to find the most attractive art crafts and stuff to fall in love with, the shop displays beautiful and exquisite African jewelries and all sorts of fashion types that show a creative and authentic ethnic culture, these handmade amazing beauty enhancers come from primarily Rwanda and Africa, the shop sales a number of gifts ready to help you celebrate your favorite moments with your loved ones.

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Inshuti tour and travels

Under the inshuti business club we make travel and holiday experiences great, stress free and memorable by offering exceptional services and affordable safari solutions to business and leisure travelers as they make new endless discoveries that connect to history, heritage and culture of the African people. Your holiday is a journey that we deliberately make with you from the moment you think about your trip to the time you return home.

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Inshuti troupe

Inshuti troupe is a cultural entertainment development troupe that specialise in cultural music acts that are simultaneously run along cultural instruments and costumes, this music is a cocktail of genre and ethnicities that mainly stretch around East Africa. The troupe is committed, dedicated and organised beyond enough to put up an entertaining cultural show, once you see inshuti troupe performance, then you have seen the whole of East Africa.

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Art for change

The project helps children who have no hope to be able to get off the streets and get a great education so that they no longer have to live in this kind of culture, the project aims at demolishing the strongholds of poverty by giving education, food and spiritual guidance

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Food and more

It’s an art restaurant that gives a big appetite for art created on the plate from its car wagon design  to the zebra bus art bar and the air floating boat, art is part of the central vision for the space  with an integral to the ambience as the food and furniture. The restaurant dishes up a rotating menu of art that is a complement to the wine sips, the coffee, the smoothies and more served at the center.

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